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  1. SunnyPower says:

    Great Ideas! Love them!

  2. Thank you for sharing your great ideas for little ones. Will try some of them with my grandchildren

  3. Amazing ideas! Thanks a lot for sharing!!!! I am looking forward to tomorrow even more than before!

  4. So many great ideas that I can’t wait to use!! Thank you so much. My little guy just turned two and we are at the point in the winter when I am looking for new things to do with him.
    Carolyn recently posted…Mother and DaughterMy Profile

  5. Hey there! Fantastic ideas and as an ECE I applaud your play based approach to teaching! Small tip for you regarding the edible finger paint: if you add in a little bit of cream of tartar (get it in the baking aisle I think it) your paint won’t go mouldy as fast!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you so much, Jennifer! I appreciate your tip, too! Will try that next time.

  6. Fantastic ideas all in one place – Thank You!!!!

  7. Love the cardboard tube with pom poms!

    1. love the tube idea..but I think I will try it with hotwheel cars…think the boys will like that idea.

  8. janet keown says:

    Thanks so much for these ideas. They will help on the days that I Ikeep my 3 year old granddaughter.

  9. Cute ideas! I’ll keep these in mind for when my son becomes a toddler.

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