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  1. Jes Ackerman says:

    These are great suggestions, and I can’t wait to try them out with my little ones. I am wondering, though, why you felt the need to label the car activity a “boy activity”? Even with your “disclaimer” that girls may like it too, I believe it’s unnecessary to label it a gendered activity. Children of both sexes enjoy all kinds of playthings, like cars, trucks, dolls and crafts, until the world around them starts labeling them boy or girl toys and they feel the need to fit into these labels. Let’s change the dialogue so our kids can feel free to be who they want without implied social contracts being thrust upon them.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thanks for your comment and insight. I agree with you and I don’t have a good reason for why I worded it that way! Of course, boys and girls can play with any type of toys. Since I only have boys, it’s easy for me to see what interests they gravitate to and label it a “boy” toy. You are right though…children of both sexes can enjoy playing with cars. Thank you again.

  2. you can also glue the paper tube in a diagonal way, thus having the toddler put something in it on the left…and it rolls to the right. the change of direction will be fun for the kid too. and you can also glue another rol under it, so when the ball falls out the first tube, it will enter the second tube, maybe even getting a different direction again. this is magic for a kid.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is a wonderful idea! 🙂

  3. Oh wow! What a great collection of ideas! My kiddo is still a bit too young for many of these, but I am going to try a few of these ASAP! While he plays, maybe mommy can get a little independent time, too!

  4. Although your heart and mind are in this…some of these things look to me as chocking possibilities for the toddlers as there are small objects being used

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you for you comment. Yes, some of these activities can be a choking hazard. Please don’t let your child do them if they put things in their mouth and please be with them while doing the activity. Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable doing the activity, that’s ok! 🙂

  5. Many of these suggestions are a choking hazard for kids who put everything in their mouths. Please don’t do any of these without fully supervising the entire time.

  6. Thank you so much for these! I have to admit that, because I don’t have the mind of a preschool teacher, I was a bit skeptical of this list. But it was very creative, and I particularly loved the use of house hold items. I will be looking at the containers that I usually recycle a bit differently now! Blessings!

  7. Laura Kessler says:

    This is fantastic! My little boy is now making a ‘spider’ out of pipe cleaners and a colander as we speak!

  8. Thanks for some great ideas, especially for a single dad with two crazy toddler boys. I found an awesome tv show that I thought I might share here. It’s got songs and games and a great message in every episode. My kids can just watch it for hours, even when it’s sunny outside! It’s got a big purple dinosaur in it that they just find hilarious – I think it’s called Barney or something. It’ll keep my boys entertained, even when I have to go out to McDonald’s for their dinner. Hope it helps someone as much as it’s helped me.

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