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  1. Dear Angela,
    I was researching to find kids play ideas to publish in my Facebook page. I am in the process of promoting that we parents monitor our kids (even pre-teens), and provide them with fun and safe activities to do instead of using the screens.
    My three kids are already grown up, and I did not have the tools available today back in the 90s. So if Ok for you I will start follow you and publishing your posts in my FB page.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes! That would be fine. Thanks for introducing yourself!

  2. loved it really creative ideas and the good thing is you do a lot of things to keep your child busy because they get bore of things in a short time
    hanaan recently posted…How To Wash Car Seat Straps?My Profile

  3. Great ideas, thanks! Somehow my toddler just loves messy activities 🙂

  4. Wow, lots of activities never thought of.
    Thank You

  5. Thanks for posting this! This is a great overview of some sensory play experiences that help keep toddlers busy (and out of trouble!). One of our strategies when using large bins of tiny objects is to lay down a big plastic liner or tarp under the table – that makes clean-up a TON easier. We also try to do a lot of activities out on the back deck to save our sanity. I’d hate to have a look under the deck to see all the little things that have fallen between the cracks – out of sight, out of mind, right!? 🙂

    Anyway, keep up the great work, this is one of our go-to blogs for finding fun activities and the best baby/toddler/kid products for making those activities possible!

  6. Thanks for these interesting ideas! I was looking for some funny activities that would keep my boys busy (they are almost 2 y.o.) and help them to practice motor skills at the same time. I think we will try this thing with Cheerios and edible paint, I’ve never thought about it before but I think it’ll be funny and engaging for my kiddos 🙂

  7. Seema Mehta says:

    It is not always possible for us to entertain our little ones and we often find ourselves at a loss of ideas. This post is such a relief. The ideas are outstanding and safe as well. Thank you so much for the information and thoughts. Useful and informative post for all,

  8. I love that idea for the felt board. I made one recently but used foam core board, hot glue, and duct tape. The duct tape doesn’t really like to stick to felt. My mom gave me my old bulletin boards so I think I’m going to have to use those for our new felt boards. Great idea!!!

  9. Interestingly great ideas, Some of them are definitely worth a try. I am sure the kids would be loving them.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  10. Dr.Shahana says:

    Thanks for sharing these ideas.I was looking for some activities for my son as he is into cartoons this week.Thanks!

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