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  1. I have been pulling my hair out trying to juggle my 20-month-old while schooling my older kids. What fabulous ideas–THANK you!

  2. Bob Braxton says:

    with grandpa, favorite play is called “imagination”

  3. I would advise against using dry beans. When I was a teenager, a mother was preparing beans for a meal. She dropped a bean on the floor. Her toddler picked it up, put it in his mouth and choked on it. Before she could get help for him, the bean swelled in his throat and he died. Very sad for our whole small town community.

  4. We’ve done a few of these our favorite is the tube idea although we did alter it a bit. We taped it to a chair and used ping pong balls without a bowl. The ball fall through the tube and roll off, they get to chase it down and start again. They loved it.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Great idea!! Glad they loved it!

  5. Elementairy says:

    Number 15 is not a choking hazard. Rather, it is a suffocation hazard.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you for pointing this out. My child does not play with this often, but when he does I am always with him and watching him. He does not put things in his mouth…but you never know.

  6. My elderly mother-in-law uses long silcone tipped tongs to pick things up off the floor. My granddaughter saw her and decided to try to pick items up off the floor with tongs – it held her interest for quite a long time. You could pick up blocks, pompoms, ping pong balls etc. and drop them into a bowl.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is such a great idea! We will have to try that one.

  7. Loved these! I wanted to add a playdoh recipe that’s edible for those kiddos that still try everything in their mouth… Cocowheats (powdered cream of wheat) plus a little water and tsp or so of olive oil till nice dough consistency.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That sounds delightful! Thank you!

  8. I used to tape bubble wrap to my floors and let the kids ride their little tricycles in the house in winter. We also closed the pocket door in our galley kitchen and played hockey with foam “sticks” and soft foam “pucks”. I painted one wall with chalkboard paint and let them write on just THAT wall, after my DD colored one wall with crayons. In our newer house, we rescued a huge chalkboard from a school demo and now have it for “school” use. In my kitchen, I painted chalkboards on the recessed squares of each door (24 in all) and now my nieces and nephews draw pictures on them when they come. We have colored chalk. Our house was the one all the kids hung out at.

  9. DON’T try this on laminate wood flooring!! It takes the finish off when you remove the tape!!

  10. Jasbir @jasbeeray says:

    I love your ideas. Some.are pretty easy to.make which makes me want to do it. It’s much better than giving my ipad with numbers song on it.
    Jasbir @jasbeeray recently posted…The power of wordsMy Profile

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