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  1. I really like would kove them and will be busy for quite some time.

  2. Just started following you on Google +, Facebook and Pinterest, you have so many great kids activities and crafts, i love them all and cant wait to try some of them with my kids. Thank you for sharing will look forward to checking out some of your other great posts

    Sheena @
    Sheena recently posted…DIY Gas PumpMy Profile

  3. This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Thank you! My son just turned 2 last week and I live I’m Canada. I’ve been looking for new toddler friendly indoor activities as I also have a 3month old so going out in the snow isn’t always an option. He will love these! 🙂

  5. I used shaving cream (Barbasol) on a counter for my daughter. She would play around with it for an hour or so. And, its easy to clean up. especially when it gets on clothes or carpet.

  6. I can’t wait to try these ideas with my 16-month old! Thank you so much for all your ideas. Sometimes it seems like he gets bored with the same-ole same-ole, so it will be great to see him learn through these activities! One thing he likes to do is to get all the pots and pans out and stack them inside each other and match up the lids. He also likes to match the lids on the tupperwares.

  7. I just want to let anyone who is interested know that dollar tree has the foam cubes in the teaching supplies section.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Awesome! I will have to check out my local Dollar Tree!

  8. Another good idea, and I learned from grandkids…..have a big cardboard box cut windows, use the flaps for doors, give them crayons and let them colour inside and the outside of the box. Keeps them busy for a long time. Let them make it their own little home.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is such a fun idea! We did this once and the kids were busy for hours!

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