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  1. Searched for the 3D shapes at Micheals and Hobby lobby with no luck and I’m so bummed!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Ahh I am so sorry! I was there today and I did not see them either! Maybe they only have them when it is Back to School time. If I find any, I will stock up and sell them-haha! 🙂 Here are similar ones on Amazon: Soft Foam Geometric Shapes

      1. What about making the shapes from the play dough? Play with the play dough, leave it out to harden, use the hard pieces like blocks? You could also use various colors of hardened play dough for the color sorter activity too.

      2. You can cut inexpensive sponges into shapes as well.

    2. Try the $1 section at Target……I have found them there several times.

      1. My mom cut slots for milk bottle caps in the oatmeal container and it was fantastic.

  2. Kathryn Lang says:

    For the record, bubble wrap works for them at ALL ages, My teens fight over the bubble wrap and even the hubby has to step on it when he walks by. I never thought about making my own shape sorter – loved that idea. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      HAHA I love it! Glad to know that works for all ages!

  3. Susen Kuchta says:

    My daughter is 3 but she still had fun with the paper towel roll and dropping Pom-poms through. I also gave her cotton balls and she was all curious when they got stuck in the tube. I gave her a basting brush to push the cotton balls down and she loved it! Thanks for this idea and all other 19!!
    Susen at dabblingmommy

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      So fun to hear that, Susen! I’m so glad it is helpful 😉

    2. I think a fun variation on this would be to either use multiple tubes, or one tube cut in pieces if multiple tubes would be too tall, and tape them at different heights and angles so the balls go through one and fall into another.

  4. We really need to try the “paint in bags” idea. I love that you taped the bags to the window! I think my kids would love it. Lots of great ideas here!
    Caroline recently posted…When You Don’t Know What to PrayMy Profile

    1. Using these paint bags on a light table would also be great. You can also create similar sensory type bags using clear hair gel and food coloring.

    2. My daughter is 2Y3M and got a kick out of smearing the paint around in the bag. Then we noticed that you can write letters of the alphabet in the paint with your finger, smear it away, and do it again! It was a fun twist for an older toddler and a parent (or older sibling) to do together.

  5. Thank you! My little guy is 15 months & while he’s not quite ready for some of these, this is super helpful! I’m especially searching for ideas for him to do while I’m fixing dinner.

    1. Agreed. Same here. Everything goes into the mouth. So this would actually be more work for me!! Great ideas for the future.

  6. kathryn thayer says:

    You are amazing, Ang, the way you create learning moments so economically and brilliantly. I love the cottonballs in the ice cube tray activity. Your Fellas are so blessed:)

  7. WOnderful list.. we have tried many of these when DD was younger. Believe me she still goes back to some of these time an again!
    -Reshama @

  8. Thank you for this wonderful list! We are just about to start preschool with my oldest. I plan to let my 2 year old, do some of the activities, but having a back up is great!

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