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  1. I work at home as a Licensed Family Child Care Provider and I always work to find ways to use “trash” and turn it into a meaningful learning activity for the children. I really like the Parmesan cheese container activity. My hubby used to comment on my trash stockpile, but after seeing some of the things I have created he now asks and brings things home before getting rid of it to see if it could be of use.



  2. Great Ideas! I’m gonna have to try some of them soon. I need to keep my toddler from playing his tablet a lot and in to physical activities.
    Lorena recently posted…Jamming to the MusicMy Profile

  3. Tumble Tastics says:

    I like the idea of the taped off areas! You could almost set up like a play station obstacle course
    Tumble Tastics recently posted…Baby Sensory Christmas 2014My Profile

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this post. I could really use some ideas to keep my kids from wreaking havoc in the house. My twins are a handful, which is not so fun when I have my hands full.
    Darlene recently posted…Hello world!My Profile

  5. Amazing article. Thank you.

  6. Christine | Where The Smiles Have Been says:

    Wow, what an awesome list you have here! I used some of your ideas to throw together a quick activity for my son…..and it was a huge hit! I also wrote about it on my blog (and of course gave you some linky love). Thanks for the (p)inspiration!
    Christine | Where The Smiles Have Been recently posted…Toddler Activity: Sticky Window FunMy Profile

  7. I know you mentioned a hazard waring but after reading your list I see most of the activities a choking or health hazard for all children
    most of these items are too call or guide dangerous (paint in a bag) if digested

  8. What a great post! These ideas are fantastic, thanks for sharing!
    Rachel recently posted…Grammy DayMy Profile

  9. A good tape to use for sticking on floors and walls is electrical tape. Comes in lots of colors and pulls up nicely. We tape out stuff on the floor like hop scotch with it. I have see packs at the dollar store that have five or so colors in very small rolls.

  10. Magdalena says:

    Those ideas were amazing. I’ll use some of them with my baby girl! Thanks! Gracias!

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