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  1. Brilliant! I saw pipcleaners and pom poms at Dollar Tree. Now I know what to do with them. If I don’t keep my toddler busy, he’ll find something to do. Last week it involved markers and a freshly painted wall 🙁
    Angela recently posted…Come With Me…My Profile

  2. Simple, easy,and great ideas! Thanks so much!

  3. I make a dough and let my 3 yr old roll it out and give him cookie cutter to make different shape he plays for hrs doing this..gonna try some of the other …you can also use cooking dough

  4. Laura @ The Experimental Home says:

    This is a fantastic list of toddler activities! I will be taping a paper towel roll to my wall tonight!!! I have seen lots of toddler activities on the interwebs, but they often take more time to put together than my little man would spend playing with them. But most of these are simple and right up his alley… THANKS!
    Laura @ The Experimental Home recently posted…puff stitch baby hatMy Profile

  5. Thank you for these great Ideas. I have a granddaughter she is 4 year old and another one on it’s way in approx. 5 months. I am going to show my daughter this web site. Thank you again,

    Maria MacLeod
    Port Orchard, WA

  6. Really great Ideas !! I’m going to show my daughter this she’s has an 4 year old and going to have another baby in approx. 5 months Thank you !!

    Maria MacLeod

  7. Sarah Barah says:

    I came across this through a shared post on facebook and glad I did because I was really inspired by these ideas and went right out the very next day to gather supplies and start creating activities for my 18month old.

    This is the sensory bin we came up with

    We also painted with colored shaving cream and the best part is I had older kids over that weekend who were just as into the activities as my little one.
    Sarah Barah recently posted…Making a Sensory BinMy Profile

  8. Kyle @ Aspired Living says:

    We have twin 3 year olds and during homeschool time we do stations. I am always looking for inexpensive ideas for new stations to keep them entertained and educated (I include motor skill development in education especially for one of them). This is an incredible resource you have here thank you for sharing! Kyle 😀
    Kyle @ Aspired Living recently posted…Frugal Friday Fiesta #5My Profile

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