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  1. I have looked everywhere for the foam shapes and haven’t found them anywhere. Our Michaels does not carry them and I can’t find them on line. Any ideas?

  2. This was awesome! I run a couple of businesses that involves coming up with cool, creative ways to do science projects in after-school programs at elementary schools, but all 3 of my kids are 3 and younger, and I had a harder time coming up with activities for them. This was a huge help!

  3. bamauthor says:

    Love your suggestions……Putting them in the bank for a rainy day with the grandchildren!

  4. These are some great ideas. I see only a few flaws. Using MAGNETS are Dangerous at this age! As we All know little ones stick things in their mouths. If Magnets are swallowed they Could make a hole in the little ones intestines n stomach area causing Death from Septic poisoning. Also, the pom-poms are a choking hazards. Please beware of these.
    Katie recently posted…Creative Painting Ideas & Pinning Party #17My Profile

  5. I see I’m not the first but was also going to suggest using multiple paper towel tubes for a “marble track” on a cupboard or fridge door. I’ve also used colored plates or bowls to do color sorting of our letter magnets, play foods… and in the fall some Styrofoam gourds that I bought at the dollar store (they came in different colors). And for those with mouth-ers, I have a fingerpaint recipe that is made of food ingredients, so it is food safe… I’ll have to find that later though if anyone wants it. Or let them paint with yogurt. Obviously that requires a little more assistance and supervision, but I usually did it in the high chair. 🙂

  6. Jennifer K says:

    The dish pan filled with rice– and hiding small toys in it or hiding toys to sort in it is also a really fun one!

  7. Debra Eisenmann says:

    I run a day care and we do a preschool program. I am ALWAYS looking for exciting things for the toddlers to do. Thank you and I look forward to more ideas.

  8. Angie, love your creative ideas! Here’s a quiet and simple one that will keep your toddler busy for quite a while when you need some uninterrupted time while preparing dinner, etc…Fill the kitchen sink halfway with water and provide plastic animals (dinosaurs are our favorite!), bubbles, rubber duckies, sponges or measuring cups and spoons for water play. Use a low or two step child stepstool to let little ones be able to reach the sink. This activity is always new if you rotate the toys. I can keep an eye on Lil Man while I prepare dinner or fold clothes nearby. Caution: don’t leave toddler unattended for obvious reasons, but if you’re looking for an activity to use while you in the room and busy, you’ll love it!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is a wonderful idea!! We actually just did a “car wash” with toy cars in the sink last week and it was a huge hit. Actually anything with water is fun for my boys! Thank you for taking the time to share this with me.

  9. I love this list! I found it a few days ago and have already tried a few of the ideas! The jello playdough was a huge hit with my almost 2-year-old!

    Instead of paint in the bags (for number 6) we used shaving cream and I taped the bag to a dark piece of construction paper on the table. Then we were able to draw pictures and “erase” them over and over again.

    Thanks for the fantastic ideas!

  10. I still don’t have kids but sure I will use some of your suggestions!
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