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  1. I turned 30 last year and felt the same as you, my 20s were wonderful and I wasn’t sure I was ready to be done with them! My 20s were all my favorite birthdays because I gained so much in my life…husband, 2 amazing kiddos, and I made some amazing friends!!! It’s gonna be hard for the 30s to live up to the previous decade :). Happy Birthday!!!

  2. I’m not sure I have a favorite birthday. My 18th was pretty fun but that was 16 years ago!

  3. Melissa watson says:

    30 is just the beginning of a great life. I m 52 and still lovin my God, life family and job!

  4. I can’t really think of any birthday that was especially memorable. Usually just dinner with the family, which is always nice! My birthday is actually this Sunday. I’ll be 28. Happy birthday to you!

  5. leah wall says:

    Mine was actually 10 🙂 I’ve had some good ones since then – but that one was amazing.

  6. My 30th! My daughter was just over one and I was pregnant with my son!

  7. My favorite one was my most recent one. Celebrating with my hubby and my now two babies was the best!

  8. Have a lovely birthday Angela! 30 is only a number and you are only as old as you feel. So in my case, I’m still 27. I’ve “celebrated” 27 four times now!

  9. jessica fernandez says:

    My favorite birthday was when I turned 23! The year the lord saved me!!

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