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  1. Im grateful for all the worksheets I can get for my class

  2. Sandy Bornemann says:

    I would love one for Kindergarten!!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Got it made and added it to the post!

  3. Theresa Sandahl says:

    I love these! Is there anyway you can make one for Pre K or VPK….. since the covid my daughter is missing graduation and id really like to make her own little graduation at home.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes! I just uploaded a version with pre-k!

  4. Hi I wanted to say thanks for the wonderful diplomas and program I printed them this year for my preschoolers. I love everything thanks it has made my job so easy and I am so excited to be able to give my students and their family something special to treasure. I will definitely use them next year.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m so happy to hear this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Shamim Prophett says:

    Could you make these with Nursery Diploma on please, as they are fabulous.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes I can! I will email them to you soon.

  6. Elisabeth says:

    These are too cute. Getting ready to print out some for my 2 boys as we finish up preschool.

  7. Super cute! Do you have these available for Kindergarten? I would love these for my littles.
    Thank you in advance.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Liz! I can make some for kindergarten and email them to you.

  8. i love your posts, reply to me and i will send you preschool clipart of a preschooler on wheelchair if you have found one yet

  9. Angela,

    These are really cute diploma’s. I don’t teach preschool as a job but I did do pre- kindergarten instruction to get my grandsons ready for kindergarten. By the time they started kindergarten they could read. I worked as a reading spec for 8 yrs at a local elementary school. Just a grandma now. u have such cute stuff. thanks for sharing.

  10. The Preschool graduation certificates are very cute. I love the variety of children represented!
    Can you make the same certificated for Pre-K of Pre-Kindergarten too with the same cute character variety? I would love that!

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