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  1. What a fun idea. I am featuring this on my blog.

  2. I cant wait to try this during the summer holiday
    Many thanks for this!

  3. I LOVE this idea! I can’t wait to do this with our kids. I bet they could do something like this in the shower, too, on these cold days (they could play in the water 365 days a year!) – I’ll have to get my husband to think of a water-proof board that we can use. 🙂 Thanks!!
    Becky recently posted…Room by Room DETAILED cleaning guideMy Profile

  4. I think I will try this on our chain link fence!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is an awesome idea! If we had a fence, I would do that, too!!

  5. Lail | With A Spin says:

    Great idea. Can’t wait to make this for my 2 year old daughter this summer. Have a fabulous Mother’s Day!

  6. Emma Edwards says:

    Love how it can be used inside and outside with different equipment – fantastic idea
    Emma Edwards recently posted…BritMums Live 2014My Profile

  7. This looks like so much fun! And the best part is you can get pool noodles from the dollar store! 🙂
    Emma recently posted…Bunny Peeps Race CarsMy Profile

  8. Such and easy and fun idea! This will be awesome to try this summer!

    1. Chelsea grace says:

      cool idea i totally recommend using the chain link

      1. Debi Ness says:

        I was thinking the same thing, a chain link fence would work in place of the pegboard.

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