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  1. I love all of your sensory letter activity ideas! It’s below freezing in Minnesota so I can put a bowl of water on my deck at night and we’ll be ready to excavate letters in the morning! I might try using a muffin tin and doing individual letters in each tin. Love the sandpaper letters and sand writing, too!

  2. We love the do-a-dot alphabet printables. Thanks for sharing them. I have been on the hunt for sandpaper letters and will check out your suggestions.

  3. cristine packard says:

    If I win I would love the sand paper ABC’S

  4. I love do-a-dot and my kids do too. Thanks for the free printables. You can use other things besides blotters with those too – pompoms is an easy one.

  5. Laura Zachar says:

    My special education preschoolers would love the sandpaper letters.

  6. Michelle VanDorn says:

    I’d love to win the Sand Letters. My kids would enjoy them and it would help them learn their letters better

  7. Sharon Bardy says:

    Thank you for all these great ideas and freebies! Perhaps I will be a winner! At any rate, I win with all that you have shared!

  8. I would love to win the book “Z is for Moose”.

  9. Would love to win this for my kids or my classroom!

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