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  1. Lakshmi Priya says:

    I prepared this play dough, it took me just 5 minutes to make it. My kid enjoyed playing with it. it was super soft

  2. Virpal singh says:

    Unique recipe. .thanks for sharing

  3. Anyone know if Oat flour would work okay?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hmm I have no idea! I’m sorry. I’ve never have used oat flour.

  4. will this work if you don’t use the stove?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m sorry, but I don’t think it will. Cooking it on a low temperature helps it gel together into the dough.

      1. What temperature/timeframe are you using to cook the play doh? I’d like my students to make this with me next week, but the kitchen is a hot commodity at school, so I’d like to send an adult to do the cooking part.

  5. Would this keep finger prints? I want to do my babies hand prints so it needs to keep fine details… love the idea!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hmm I’ve never tried it for finger prints. Usually play dough works for this type of thing, but may take a while to dry. I’m sorry I’m not much help!

    2. Salt dough works for hand and foot prints 🙂 there are plenty of recipes outthere.

  6. Hi
    Just wanted to say that this is a fantastic recipe! I use it frequently including for our playgroup. I replace the baby powder with cornflour (I’m in Australia…maybe cornstarch??) and the baby oil with coconut oil. It smells amazing and it’s fine if any small person decides to taste it! We think it’s the best playdough ever!

    We tried the jelly one. It was nice but went mouldy very quickly. This recipe lasts a whole term….8-10 weeks plus.

    Thanks heaps!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you for the tips and suggestions!

  7. Hello,
    If i omit the cream of tartar will the recipe work?can’t find it here in France !

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      It should work, but it may not last as long. Usually the cream of tartar helps it not mold.

  8. Thank you – just tried this recipe for my 3 year old this morning and it’s definitely the best one we’ve tried!

  9. I am using this for hand exercises for a broken wrist which is just out of plaster. I was told by the physio to buy ‘theraputty’ from the hospital pharmacy. This is graded by colour from soft through to hard but the colour I was told to buy was too stiff for my weak hand and wrist. Not wanting to go back to the hospital to buy a different grade (£7 for a small pot) I checked the web for a soft dough specifically for this purpose and your recipe is perfect for my hand exercises. Very grateful, thanks.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m very happy to hear this!! I wish you a wonderful and speedy recovery!

  10. Brilliant! I made some for my Kinders and they loved it! The baby oil has that lovely smell about it, and we went and picked some herbs and used some spices to colour some of it rather than food dyes. Still useable after a few weeks- am hoping it will last, but with fresh herbs, i’m watching it closely!

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