Shape Rhymes Printables
Learning to identify shapes is an important math skill for preschoolers and kindergarteners to work on. A fun way to teach little ones about shapes is with shape rhymes! These clever little rhymes teach children how to draw shapes and what objects in real life look like that shape.
Shape Rhymes Printable
This printable includes rhymes for the following shapes:
- circle
- triangle
- square
- rectangle
- oval
- pentagon
- hexagon
- rhombus/diamond
- trapezoid
- octagon
- heart
- star
- crescent
- cross
Each shape has an 8.5 x 11 poster with a rhyme and colorful pictures. These are awesome for posting around a classroom or in a notebook for students to look at.

How to Use the Shape Rhymes
- Display the posters around the classroom
- Read the rhymes or listen to the audio version during circle time
- After reading the rhyme, go on a shape hunt around the classroom or school
- Practice drawing the shapes on whiteboards or on a piece of paper
- Use play dough to make the shape
When you purchase the printable, you will also receive the audio version of the rhymes.
I know you’re gonna love these shape rhymes & booklets! You can get this awesome resource HERE.
(My store is only for U.S. and Canadian residents, so if you live in a different country, you’ll have to purchase this at my Teachers Pay Teachers store. You can find it HERE.)
More Rhymes!
Uppercase Alphabet Letter Rhymes
Lowercase Alphabet Letter Rhymes
Happy Learning! 🙂
I have your number rhymes with the audio in them. I was trying to do the same on google slides with these but I cannot figure out how to cut the audio to add to each shape. Is there a way? 🙂
Hi! You’ll need to upload the audio files to a Google Drive folder. Then go up to ‘Insert’ and then select ‘audio’ and choose the audio file. Hope that helps!
Any chance you could add a heart rhyme?
That’s such a great idea. Yes! I’ll work on that!
Thank you so much. My 3.5 yo had lots of fun painting the shapes in her little “book” this morning.
Please add octagon to the shapes.
What wonderful rhymes that make learning shapes much easier (and fun!!)
Adventures of Adam recently posted…Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop #160
I can’t get to the shape rhyme printable. Plus I have the discount code to use but I hope I can get to it before the discount is over. Help
Hi Liza! I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting to it. It is found in my store here: Let me know if you still need help!
I really love your stuff and have used some in my school. However, a square is a rectangle so saying two sides are long and two sides are short is incorrect. Most three and four year olds might not get that a square is a special rectangle, but it’s not a good idea to teach them something they’ll have to unlearn.
Thanks so much for sharing your insights! I agree with you and I made some changes to the printables so it’s more accurate. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions- [email protected]
Thanks for fixing the rectangle rhyme.