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  1. Thank you so much!!! I made a playdough face and the baking idea really helped! Now I’m making playdough faces for my whole family! Again thank you so much!

  2. Esperance Pemberton says:

    i have a craft shop and is going to try the magnets for my business

  3. this is so neat I am using this for Christmas presents.

  4. Always looking for new ideas..

  5. I am a toddler teacher and this is a GREAT idea for both a parent gift for Valentine’s Day and for the kids. I can’t wait to try this with them! Absolutely love it!

  6. I love the simplicity of this Valentines craft. So cool! Going to try this one. 🙂

  7. Teaching Mama says:

    Thank you, Erica! Oh and I changed the blog header Monday. I love the fresh, new look. Yes, whenever you want to swap buttons I’m ready- just email me! Thanks friend!

  8. Erica @ Spoonful of Imagination says:

    I love this idea!! We will be doing it! And girl your blog header!! When did I miss the change!?! I guess I’ve been reading mostly on my phone. I LOVE it! Let me know when you want your button on my sidebar! You’re doing great!

  9. Such a cute idea! Very creative. I saw a cute boy in the fridge:)

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thanks, Liz! Oh yes, Caden is the cutest and his party is definitely talked about all the time!!

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