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  1. Lisa Hammond says:

    I would love to win the pencil sharpener. I currently have that same sharpener and love it, but I have used it so much that it is not sharpening well any more.

  2. Olivia Robinson says:

    I am a new mom and recently became a stay at home mom and enjoy teaching my 2 year old daughter! I would really appreciate winning this laminator as I have been using self laminating sheets and it’s been a pain 😩. My daughter loves reusing the same printables over and over, so this laminator would be a game changer! ❤️

  3. Kathy Davis says:

    I would love the laminator! I have the pencil sharpener. It is THE BEST on the market.

  4. I’m new to the homeschool world, and I have a paper cutter but it’s in bad shape. I would love a new paper cutter that’s good quality!

  5. I do a lot of exit tickets for my math classes and don’t need a full sheet of paper for them. A small paper cutter with fresh sharp blades would be a great tool to have in my classroom. The school has one but it is so old and the blade only cuts in certain places of the board…frustrating for sure! I sure appreciate your giving back to teachers that support you throughout the year! So kind!
    Diane recently posted…Christmas Do-A-Dot PagesMy Profile

  6. Christine Locke says:

    Wow! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of these amazing supplies. I would choose the laminator because I’m homeschooling my daughter and have been wanting one for awhile; it would be a game-changer for us. It would help make our teaching activities last on our limited budget, a lot of them printed from the printables club. We would be forever grateful ❤️
    Christine Locke recently posted…Christmas Do-A-Dot PagesMy Profile

  7. I have been wanting a binding machine. All of these other tools are essential.

  8. Roxanne Aviles says:

    I received my home laminator as a graduation gift from my collaborating teacher my final week of teacher prep school, 12 years ago! It has been used SO much! I would love a new one so I am able to keep on laminating 😊

    Thank you for all that you do!

  9. You are are so right! These are must haves! The only one that I don’t have at the moment is the binding machine and paper cutter. I’m not very good with using a paper cutter 🫣 so I would like to win the binding machine.

  10. These are great resources to for making your teacher supplies last longer! The laminator would be my choice.

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