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  1. Tricia Lee says:

    Thank you for this giveaway. These are really clever storage hacks. Thank you!

  2. Jennifer Pelka says:

    That Stuff’n’Sit looks so comfy. Bean bag filler foam eventually loses its loft and poofiness. This would be great to make a space in a room when kids aren’t quite ready to give up their Luvvies but don’t cuddle with them all the time.

  3. The Slideaway Toy Storage basket is brilliant! Would love this for Legos or Magnatiles. I bet it would get the boys to enjoy cleaning up more, too.

  4. Bette-Jane Schmidt says:

    The stuff and sit bean bag is awesome! It is such a great way to get the stuffed animals put away! Using it for blankets is wonderful..It can have soooooo many uses. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Kayce Hensley says:

    Slide away toy storage !

  6. Denise Larson says:

    These are great. Thank you for introducing me to this company. If only I had some of these when I had littles at home

  7. Amy DuBois says:

    The stuffed animal bag is genius! We have so many and love that it can be a seat too!

  8. Donita Tovar says:

    Oh my goodness, these ideas are amazing. I loved the stuffed animal one because I have a daughter who has an entire twin bed full of stuffed animals and this idea would save so much space on that bed. But on the other hand that same daughter of mine has a massive amount of legos. I could really put the toy holder to great use!


  9. I like the slide away you storage.

  10. I would love to win this. What a great idea! My grandson has special needs and he would love it

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