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  1. This did not work for the kids or me in a squirt bottle unfortunately. It clogged up and we couldnt get it out at all. Will try again with just paintbrush next art time.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m sorry! It has clogged for us before, too. I found that if I use a whisk to mix the ingredients, it decreases the amount of clumps. Good luck!

  2. This looks so interesting and fun. Have never made puffy paint like this before, we often mix paint and shaving cream for ours 🙂 I am planning to use this recipe for preschool classes next week. I am wondering how well it holds up when made before-hand? I plan to make about 5 different colours in the bottles and then use it the next day to trace our names. Thanks, Michelle

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That’s great! Yes, it will keep for about a week. You should be good! Have fun!

      1. Why not use distilled water so it doesn’t spoil, and what would sticking them in the frig do…just pull them out and soak in warm water before use? I think I will try this!

        1. Angela Thayer says:

          That’s a great idea, Laura! Thank you for suggesting this.

  3. Love it!!!! Awesome Crafts! Keep up the good work Angela!! ❤❤

  4. Just tried making and using one squeezy bottle of puffy paint from your recipe, we both loved it! We also sprinkled glitter on before putting in the microwave which worked brilliantly. I’m definitely going to make the full set of colours next time, along with a set of puffy paint alphabet cards.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      So happy to hear that!! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Amy Greene says:

    Such a fun activity you can make right in your kitchen! I am delighted to be featuring you on Mom’s Library at Pounds4Pennies this week. I look forward to seeing you there this week.
    Amy Greene recently posted…Mom’s Library Linky Party Spring BreakMy Profile

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you so much!

  6. Hi Angela, love love love your blog. AMAZING!
    My question for you is…where and how do you store all of the activities/crafts your little ones end up making?!


    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you soooo sooo much for your sweet words!! I was thinking about doing a post on how I store everything. You can find a little bit on this post:
      Also, I do not keep art projects for very long. Maybe a week? If they are really important, I keep them in a special box for each child. Hope that helps!

      1. After a week of having my kids artwork up I take a picture of it and then get rid of it. I plan on making them a book of all their art work when they graduate from elementary school.

  7. Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade says:

    I’m so glad you liked our recipe! We have done this activity quite a few times now, and it’s always a big hit with all three of my kids (age 3-8)! 🙂
    Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade recently posted…Making Progress: Our Homeschool RoomMy Profile

  8. I did this the other day with my son and he loved it. He painted with brushes but it worked just as well. And putting it in the microwave made it puff quickly for immediate results. We made a gift for his Aunt and she wants to shellac or varnish it to keep it intact.

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