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  1. Cinnamon butter sounds delish!

  2. I can’t wait to try it! Been hearing amazing things!!

  3. Mary Carpenter says:

    Dark chocolate sea salt looks awesome!

  4. Alexandra robertson says:

    I loveee coconut and have been wanting to try coconut butter out! the simply cinnamon looks so good, but all of them sound delicious. love how good coconut is for you and bonus that this is organic!

  5. The Dark Chocolate Sea Salt sounds like a great treat! Thank you for offering the giveaway.

  6. Heather G. @ Golden Reflections Blog says:

    What a great alternative for allergies!
    Heather G. @ Golden Reflections Blog recently posted…Hello world!My Profile

  7. The cinnamon butter sounds amazing! I’d probably use it on everything 😉

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