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  1. I love all of these books! The Five Senses by Aliki is one I do not have in my Big Book collection.

  2. This is a great selection of books. They are all good choices.

  3. Tambra Akers says:

    I would like to win Polar Bear Polar Bear

  4. Would love the Mouse Paint book!

  5. Angela Arney says:

    I love all of these big books

  6. I love all these big books! These would be a great addition to our library time!

  7. I love big books! They are great for circle time. I haven’t read Mouse Paint before though!

  8. Leann Pabich-Schiller says:

    Merry Christmas!

  9. OMGoodness! I love all these books and my students love when we pull out the BIG books! Stellaluna and Chrysanthemum are my top 2!!

  10. Changcan Li says:

    Thank you for sharing the lists of children favorite books.

    1. Changcan Li says:

      I use big books in my classroom. Children are focused more

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