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  1. Laura Heitman says:

    I have used pop its for math.

  2. Love Pop-its for learning!

  3. I’ve never used Pop its however, I like your example of using it for multiplication and other math facts

  4. I have pop-its in the classroom and the children love them! I would like to have more variety though.

  5. I use the pop its in my classroom all the time. I use the in my safe place for kids to use just to calm down, I use the them in math for popping the number rolled on the dice, I use them in LA for popping the alphabet letter turned over on the card. No matter what the activity the kids love them!!!!

  6. Dottie Smith says:

    I have never thought about using them like this. I work with ECSE, so not a whole lot would work with them, but has got me thinking. I tutor after school 1st grade and this will for sure become a tool I use!

  7. I love all the different ideas for the popits in the educational setting! How fun would these be for many different uses. I could also see a bingo game, using it for sight words…so many different options!

  8. Diana L Lorge says:

    I do not have any pop it’s they look like fun first kids to use.

  9. Hello! I have never thought about using these as learning manipulatives. What a great idea!

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