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  1. Peggy J White says:

    Where can I find the busy boxes task cards?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hello! Do you mean the labels for the boxes? If so, there is a link for them in the blog post. Hope that helps!

  2. Elizabeth Grace Montelongo says:

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

  3. Hi Angela,

    Our boys are about the same age (4, 7, 9) and my challenge is how to create a quiet time especially during the summer that can be catered to ages, my issue seems to be that my older two don’t really want quiet time during the day unless it’s tv, ipad, video game related. I just wondered if you had some suggestions in your experience not only as a teacher but as a mom with kiddos the same age.

    Thank You and Best Regards,

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I can totally relate! It’s so easy to just turn on screens, but I’m also trying to limit that. For quiet rest time, I do have them just read quietly or draw in their rooms. I do that for about 30 minutes to an hour. I also let them listen to audio books. It’s nice to have some quiet time during the day! They weren’t always thrilled about this, but after getting in the habit, it got better. Hope that helps!

  4. Naomi A Jenkins says:

    Anything for older ones? We have a set homework time but I’m finding most of mine don’t have homework or would rather do it with parents than me, (I’m the after school teacher)

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That makes sense. Right now, I don’t have a post on quite time boxes for older kids. But I can try to think of ideas and write another post.

  5. I’m wondering what size the bins are.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      They are 16 quart bins.

  6. Ashley @ Forgetful Momma says:

    We haven’t done naps in a really long time. But I want to make some of these for my 2 year old for homeschooling come September. This year I’ll have both girls “doing school” so it’ll be nice to have something just for him during those times.

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