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  1. A new career and a move…big changes in store for your family. I pray that they would be positive ones and that your home would sell quickly and you would have as peaceful a move as possible.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you, Sharla! I appreciate your prayers.

  2. My son has a book about Sue that he LOVES me to read to him. He would be over joyed to see her! What a fun weekend!
    Praying for a smooth transition for your family 🙂

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That’s adorable! We may have to find that book 🙂 Thank you so much for your prayers!

  3. What a great dinosaur week! My son wanted to read Dinosaur Dig this morning and I thought of your week! Good luck to you in your move and I look forward to seeing your adventures.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That is so great. Thank you so much!! Love hearing from you and thankful to have you as a reader!

  4. Oooh, what a great day. We have a science museum for young child nearby and it was brilliant. My 5yro came out at the end of the day and announced that ‘it was a funny playground cos it was indoors. When are we going to the museum? ‘. Congratulations on new job for hubby, we will pray for you from here. Can only imagine the joy moving house with littlies in tow will be. I wish you all happiness in your new adventure.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That is wonderful!! Thank you so much. We very much appreciate your payers. Yes, it will be an adventure for sure! Hoping it won’t be too hard to keep the house clean with two little boys. I’m sure it will all work out!

  5. Leah Cartledge says:

    Hi Angela,
    Congratulations to your husband on his new position. I hope your transition runs smoothly. I look forward to reading your posts.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment and thank you for following us on our journey!

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