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  1. Thanks for the amazing work! I would like to use the visual program for a foreign student in my classroom.

  2. Thank you! These schedule cards are just what I was looking for.

  3. Sabrina G. says:

    Thank you for making these available to all FREE of charge!! This is my second time downloading them. I haven’t found many this well made that support Bible reading as part of the schedule. I would have liked to have one that says “music time” or “movement,” also I am quite content with them already. Thanks again! God bless. 🙂

    1. Laura Clear says:

      I babysit my 3 year old Grandson while his mom works, but he’s not really on a schedule or does he have a daily routine. I raised 2 children on a daily schedule and it worked out great. I think having something that is visual for my Grandson will work very well. I’ve tried to make something like this myself, however my drawing is not that great, love the clear pictures. I am looking forward to using them thank you so much.

  4. Alissa Tyrrell says:

    What font did you use for the text? I am creating some cards of my own and wanted them to match.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi! I used the font KG Blank Space Solid. Hope that helps!

  5. Do you have anything for preschool church activities?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I would love to add preschool church activities to my blog. Right now, all I have is activities for Easter.

  6. Christine Beck says:

    I’m looking forward to using them in my daycare center.

  7. Joylance Chapman-George says:

    Schedule is for my three (3) year old son. Looking forward to using them.

  8. Hi i am so excited to use them with my 3 years son. He would love these visuals. My only question is if i want to add few visuals in scedule then how should i? The file is encrypted and it is asking for password. Can you help me pls.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Just email me and I can do it for you. My email is angela (at) teachingmama (dot) org.

  9. Hi! Thanks for sharing this with us , it will really help my daughter ♥️ .
    I’ve subscribed but I haven’t received any email from you and I’ve checked the spams box as well. Could you please send it to me? Thanks in advance 😊

    1. Hello, This is visual schedule is amazing. I have been looking for something like this for my little boy for a long time. Thanks for sharing. Would you mind email it to me. I cannot find it under free printable. Thank you so much.

  10. Melissa Bean says:

    Is that just the side of your fridge that the cards are stuck to, or is there some kind of board stuck to your fridge? Thanks!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      It’s just the side of my fridge 🙂

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