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  1. Corina Segovia says:

    How this is so nice!

    1. Sandra, I 🙏 I get to win one of the items, anything will be appreciated. It’s been difficult to log in😪 need 🙏


  2. Tammy Linder says:

    I am new to the littles and struggle to find good sensory tools sometimes. These look like items that the kiddos could use while continuing their learning.

  3. Detalia Thomas says:

    I have some of these items in the class room, but would love the stress balls. We don’t have those.

  4. Kaleigh Williams says:

    These look fantastic. I can see how these would help our children struggling from trauma! They would surely benefit. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Meg williams says:

    Our preschool supports an inclusion model and these products would be a great support ! Thank you!!

  6. I love these ideas I already have a couple of these toys in my classroom but would love to add more.

  7. Jennifer R. says:

    All of these look great! I would love the sensory bean bags.

  8. I love the stress tubes, I can see them being very effective and capturing my preschooler’s interest.

  9. Donna Gunther says:

    I have children in my class that would really benefit from the sensory tubes and bean bags.

  10. I have never seen the calming cuddle balls before, but that looks like something my little would absolutely love. What a great idea.

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