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  1. This is awesome! Definitely needing some help with my deeply feeling 3 year old boy who’s got lots of anxieties. Thanks for all the info!

  2. The sensory bean bags and the sensory art pads are two that I think my kinders would love! Something small that they can hold/carry and not be a huge distraction. I think my own 7 year old would love them too! lol

  3. I would love to add the sensory tubes to my calming center.

  4. My son could use all of these! I haven’t seen most of these before so thanks for sharing!

  5. the mazes look fun to use

  6. Summer Jones says:

    I would love to win the cuddle ball but any of these would help my very empty Calming corner

  7. The mindful mazes look very soothing. I have never seen those before.

  8. These are fantastic! Would love to win any of them!

  9. I would love to win the sensory tubes.

  10. Stephanie says:

    I love the calming cuddle ball. It is intriguing.

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