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  1. Thank you for the great ideas I always get from your blog posts! They help with my students and grandchildren, too!

  2. I love the bean bags!

  3. I’ve never seen the cuddle ball! That looks like it might help my oldest =)

  4. Jeni Taylor says:

    I love all these ideas! I think my favorite would have to be the cuddle ball, the sensory tubes and the breathing sphere. All great ideas and would really help my very spirited 8 year old daughter!

  5. Tiffiny Duke says:

    These are all so great! Thanks for sharing. I think the Calming Cuddle Ball would be amazing! 🙂

  6. Great tools and quiet ones as well. I have a couple sensory rings that are great for older students. Always a great reminder of different tools out there.

  7. I would love to win the Calming Cuddle Ball. It looks so soft and cozy!

  8. I love these!
    I especially love the Sensory Bean Bags, Calming Cuddle Ball, and the Stress Balls.
    It’s so important to offer different options for calming children!

  9. amber harvey says:

    I have never seen the wrapped ball! This would be great for some of my kiddos!

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