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  1. Charlotte Fleet says:

    I like that you mention that with preschool your children have the option to interact with other children and be independent. My husband and I have been considering whether we should put our oldest in preschool. I think we should look into finding a preschool near us to make the transition easier.

  2. Angela, I really appreciated reading this article. My husband and I are currently praying about whether we should send our 4.5 year old to 3 days of preschool at a local church coupled with some learning at home or do full-time of one or the other. My son sounds a lot like your son that you mentioned in this article.

    One question I have is how did you keep it from being to confusing for him of what he was learning at the private preschool vs. what you were teaching him at home? I would like to be able to reinforce what he is learning if possible.


    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Lindsay! I knew the skills he needed to work on, so I focused on that at home. I could see the lessons for his private preschool and sometimes I would do similar activities. I just tried to make sure he was working on skill he would need for kindergarten. I hope that helps!

  3. Ridley Fitzgerald says:

    It’s good to know the pros for both homeschooling and preschool. I like how you said that having a relationship with a teacher, and other students, is good. My son doesn’t get out very often, so I think a public place would be good for him!

  4. Ridley Fitzgerald says:

    It’s good to learn about preschool, and the benefits it brings. I like the fact that going to an actual school will help my son with social interactions. He needs that right now, so I’ll start looking for a school to take him to.

  5. Oscar O'Malley says:

    I like that you mentioned that attending preschool can help a child learn how to thrive without their mom and dad. That really stands out to me. My daughter is old enough to go to preschool now, but I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to put her in preschool. Neither my wife nor I went to preschool, but knowing that our daughter can start to learn and develop on her own is a great reason to take her there. Thanks for the information.

  6. Ashley Maxwell says:

    I appreciate your comment about how kids who attend preschool will be able to interact with kids so early on in life. I think this is beneficial and is one of the main reasons that I am thinking about signing my daughter up. Thanks for mentioning how attending preschool can give a child an opportunity to feel motivated to grow and learn.

  7. Ivy Baker says:

    This is some really good information about preschools. My sister is looking for a preschool for my nephew. It is good to know about how it would be smart of her to go to a professional one because there would be less pressure on her too when it comes to academic achievements.

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