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  1. Not having a school budget, this would help so much in home schooling. I appreciate your generosity by sharing these materials.

  2. kaleena Bell says:

    ABC mouse would be great to help fill in the areas of homeschool that need a little bit more fun learning

  3. ABC mouse rocks would love it for my students

  4. Aden Williams says:

    I would LOVE LOVE Boom Card points! I teach students with special needs, and they love the free items I’ve assigned to them. I love all 3 of your suggestions! We use them all in my classroom. Thanks so much for keeping me current with great teaching ideas!

  5. I would love to have any of these resources for my classroom!! We don’t have internet for the students so the non digital would be best for me.

  6. Christina says:

    We would love Boom Cards!

  7. I’ve been wanting to explore boom cards for a while. This would be so great for my remote learners. Thanks!

  8. We love Epic! I would really like to try ABCmouse.

    I love the tips I have read so far?

  9. Megha Waghmare says:

    Thank you so much for sharing all these opportunities! All are awesome !!

  10. These all sound fabulous! I can’t wait to check them out! My oldest son’s teacher just sent a note about Epic this week, so we’ll check that one out first. The science site will definitely be a big hit, too.

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