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  1. I love the nuts and bolts idea. This book looks like a must have!

  2. I’d use this with my toddler and two preschoolers.

  3. This book looks like it would help with keeping two eight year old busy and also the three and one year old!

  4. Stephanie says:

    Love this idea to use with my pre-k class. They get busy bags at rest time for those who don’t sleep. I’ll just have È›o be sure I get a size that isn’t a choking hazard just in case! That shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks for the idea and the chance to win the book. 😊

  5. I’d love to try some of these bags with my son since he has such a short attention span!

  6. This book looks amazing ! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Enjoli Fain says:

    Oh this is perfect for my kiddos, especially my 2 yo son whose alllll boy lol. With having a newborn and 5 total littles, anything to keep them busy and learning is a plus!!

  8. Jessica Nichols Marquez says:

    I’d use the book with my two and a half year old son!

  9. I can’t wait to try these activities with my son Ethan!

  10. The book looks great! I’d love to win a copy 🙂

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