Number Formation Rhymes for 11-19
A couple years ago, I created printable posters to help children learn how to write the number 0-10. I’ve been blown away at the response from teachers and parents. Shortly after that, I made lowercase alphabet rhymes, uppercase alphabet rhymes, and shape rhymes! Thank you to all that have downloaded and purchased these rhymes. I’m SO happy to hear how they’ve been used in classrooms around the world. Today I’m very excited to share with you my number formation rhymes for numbers 11-20!
Just like the other formation rhymes, these are rhythmic chants to help little ones learn how to write these numbers. I recommend using my 0-10 number rhymes first and then moving on to these.
Why Rhymes are Important
Rhymes are important for so many reasons! I think they are also SO fun and they are a fabulous tool for teaching.
- They help with language development! They enhance phonemic awareness, which is the ability to hear and manipulate individual sounds in words.
- Rhymes support memory retention, making learning more effective and enjoyable!
- The rhythmic chants and rhyming words holds the attention of children and helps them remember!
- They lay a strong foundation for literacy skills and cognitive development.
Ways to Use the Rhymes
You can use these rhymes as posters around your classroom or send them home with students to practice with parents.
Here are some hands-on ideas for using the number rhymes:
- Have the child trace the numbers using their finger.
2. Laminate the sheets (or place in a plastic sleeve) and practice writing the numbers with a dry erase marker.
3. Use a do-a-dot marker to make the number.
4. Mold play dough to make the numbers.
5. Use clear Bingo chips to make the number.
For more ways to use these printables, watch the video below!
Printable Download
I know you’re ready to get the printable, so I won’t make you wait any longer. Simply add your name and email address to the form below to be added to my weekly newsletter. In about 5-10 minutes, you’ll receive the printable in your inbox. If you don’t see it, make sure you check your spam folder! I recommend opening the printable in Adobe Reader (which is free) and then saving to your computer and printing them out.
*edited to add that I just created a rhyme for number 20, so that is also included in this PDF.
I’ve recently turned this printable into a digital resource, too. This means students can use this on either Google Slides or Seesaw. The digital resource includes the audio of the rhyme, too. Directions for how to get this is now included in the printable, which you can get by signing up below.
Let me know how you plan on using these! I hope the printable rhymes are helpful to you.
0-10 number rhymes templates please and thank you!
I would love these awesome rhymes for numbers 11-2 please!
Yes! Just enter your email address in the box and it will be sent to you right away!
Hi there,
I am just wondering whether there is one poster with the number formation rhymes 11-19 on it. I’d love all rhymes one poster for my pupils to refer to it?
Many thanks,
Sure! You can get it here:
I would love to use these rhymes to help my Kindergarten students learn how to make them…