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  1. Laura Molina says:

    Amazing giveaway !
    Thank you for this

  2. The binding machine would be wonderful to have! We love to make our own workbooks etc.

  3. Laura Patterson says:

    I would love to receive a binding machine. My kiddos need a little encouragement sometimes to put their creative and knowledgeable ideas on paper. If they saw really awesome, bound books made by themselves and their friends, I think it would be a great motivator. Thank you the chance to be the recipient!

    1. Rhonda Tucker says:

      I am just now starting to put together supplies to teach my grandkids at home. I am so thankful to have you to put all this information together, because I had no idea how to start! I would love to have these great items to work with!

      Thank you for all your hard work!!!

  4. What a great listing! I would love a binding machine.

  5. Amy Cowen says:

    I agree 100% on your top 5 classroom supplies! I would love the stapler!

  6. Mallorie Sander says:

    Oh my goodnesss. A home laminator would be amazing! Thank u.

  7. It is hard to choose, but I think the stapler would get the most use. Thank you for this opportunity!

  8. These are all fantastic tools for the classroom. I would love the binder to use when making books for the kids in the class.

  9. The binding machine is a great idea! It would definitely make things easier for my classroom projects!

  10. Rachel Robinson says:

    This realm of homeschooling as a grandmother is such a challenge and a huge blessing at the same time. I have enjoyed so much watching my grandson grow and learn these past few months. Your website has been a HUGE help to us. Even my grandaughter emjoys some of the activities when she gets home from kindergarten. The laminator is on my wish-list and would be a huge gift for us. I have 3 more grandchildren coming in 2022 and OH WOW I’m going to need this!
    Thank you for all that you do to help ME and my baby grands!


    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Awww thanks so much, Rachel! Makes me happy to hear that you’ve been able to use some of my resources!! And wow…3 new grandchildren in 2022! Congrats!

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