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  1. Karen Smith says:

    Having the binding machine would enable me to better keep class books and send materials home to parents for lasting memeories!

  2. Penny L Collin says:

    I would love the laminator- I have a Grandma Helper that is doing some of my Kindergarten projects at home and this would help so much! Thank you

  3. Candace Adeszko says:

    I would love a binding machine for all my stories and classroom visuals!

  4. Every year I spend a lot of my budget to pay for the binding on my end of year memory books I make for each of the kiddos. A binding machine would be such a gift to have.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That’s so sweet of you!!!

  5. The binding machine would be amazing! I love making little books for the kids!

  6. Tara Wilbur says:

    First being from a rural school that has to send home packets if we are out especially with Covid this would help me keep their work together. Also being a Kinder Teacher it would be awesome to have the Binder not only would I be able to make small packages for my children I would be able to make an All About Me for their parents at the end of the year so they can remember their first year of school.

  7. I’d love to win a binding machine. I have had one on my wishlist since I started homeschooling 4 years ago.

  8. I would be so happy with any of the above picks!

  9. Leann Pabich-Schiller says:

    I’d love the binding machine. We do so many things from your site. How nice. Merry Christmas!

  10. Wathana P. says:

    I’d love the binder. It would help keep all the sight words and speech aids together without taking up all the space a notebook binder does.

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