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  1. Dolores Salguero-Lopez says:

    the laminator looks great, have a great day!!

  2. I love all the information you give. The Book Binder would make my life so much easier. I have bought a laminator, and have always had a good paper cutter for crafting (Scrapbooking)

  3. I’d love the laminator!!

  4. I would like to win the binding machine. I think they are both great tools to have.

  5. Kathy Pender says:

    I would love to have the Home Laminator. It would save me so much time. We all know how much extra time we all spend at school and then working at home. Theee are so many learning games and activities I would love to have the time to prepare. Having a laminator at home would help a Lot!!

  6. I would like the paper cutter. The ones at. My work don’t cut anymore. We also order the large construction paper so a cutter is amazing. I would also like the binder never had one but it would be nice to be able to set up work books.

  7. Sharon Hardy says:

    I’d love to win the binding machine.

  8. These are amazing prizes!!!
    I would love the binding machine or the paper cutter.

  9. I would love the binding machine and/or the paper cutter.
    These are amazing prizes!!!

  10. Rana Killough says:

    I agree with all of your choices. I currently have 4 of the 5 items. That pencil sharpener would be amazing!

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