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  1. Ban Karaghouli says:

    Hi , I would love the binder , I would make a lot of use for it homeschooling my 4 kids

  2. Oh my gosh! I just put this exact laminator on my christmas wish list (sent to my family) I would love it!

  3. These are all great choices! I probably need the pencil sharpener the most but would love to have any of them ::)

  4. Ying Zheng says:

    I would like to win the stapler. My kids frequently use them, and broke quite a few in the past!

    1. Evelyn YANG says:

      I would love the laminator.

  5. Ashley Gross says:

    I’ve been wanting a laminator.

  6. Tameka Caldwell says:

    I would love the laminator or the binding machine. Both would be extremely beneficial in providing parents/caregivers with learning materials and activities, especially since we are only conducting virtual home visits due to COVID-19. Thank you!

  7. Thank you for doing these giveaways! All of these supplies would be beneficial and very much appreciated. But, if I am only choosing one, I would go with the laminator!

  8. Theresa Cope says:

    I would love them all but I think I would use the laminator the most.

  9. Karissa Ly says:

    The laminator would be my number one choice. Thanks for the recommendations and info! 🙂

  10. Alicia Gordon says:

    I would love to win the paper cutter.

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