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  1. These are all great! I would love the laminator.
    Thank you for the drawing!!

  2. I would love the binding machine. Already thinking of ideas for it. I didn’t know that even existed. Happy Holidays! This is so sweet of you to do!

  3. Tammy Gordon says:

    I’m always looking for a good pencil sharpener!

  4. Janine Boeing says:

    I would love the laminator. I have one and it is on it’s last leg because I use it so much!

  5. I think I would use the paper cutter the most!

  6. All would be great tools to have. You have picked some really good ones.

  7. Tonya L Stargell says:

    I would love to have the binding machine or the paper cutter more so the paper cutter.

  8. I would love the binding machine! To bind books and packets for my remote students would be easy and convenient

  9. Oh how exciting and would definitely love to win! 😃

  10. I’m not at teacher but I work at a school and I can guarantee this is all very beneficial. My parents were immigrants and their highest education was Elementary, unfortunately my siblings and I did not have help with our homework and never had a story read to us before bed time. As a mother of a Kindergartner and a 2 year old, I THANK YOU very greatly for all that you have provided, I hope to give my kids everything and as nice as it would be to give them materialistic stuff, I’d prefer to give all the educational help they need to see them succeed higher than what I can. I hope to win one device in particular, it would benefit me in helping my little ones go above and beyond.

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