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  1. Lori R Haynes says:

    What a nice giveaway!! I agree with all five of your must haves as a Pre-K teacher too. I don’t have a good stapler, so would love to have a nice one like that!!

  2. Mi-Calynn Moore says:

    ID love the laminator!
    I do a lot of dry erase with my daughter

  3. Samantha Taylor says:

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  4. Alicia Vitali says:

    The laminator would be amazing, especially since I am working from home and don’t have access to a laminator anymore!

  5. Valerie F says:

    I would love to have this paper cutter! I have access to a laminator or I would pick that first haha. This is a great list! Love your blog!

  6. Melissa J says:

    I would love to win the laminator. I just got my teaching degree in Early Childhood Education in May of this year. I am a new teacher and would greatly appreciate a laminator for my classroom.

  7. Rose Nelson says:

    Yes please I the give away. So need them

  8. Melissa Lutt says:

    The paper cutter! 🙂

  9. Nastasha Laws says:

    These all look so amazing! I am a first time homeschooling mama and we are currently serving as missionaries in the Amazon of Peru. So I don’t have any of these nifty tools. If I do win it will be a tough choice between the Laminator and the Binder. But we plan to be visiting the States in April for furlough and have a US address!

  10. This list is spot on! I use my school laminator because the scotch ones seem to small for all the laminating that I do.
    I already own everything else but the binding machine….I saw a kids-made calendar project that I wanted to try this year but it required a binding machine… Maybe for next year?

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