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  1. Thanks, what a great idea! My pick would be the binder.

  2. Noreen Sands says:

    I use the laminator the most in order to be able to clean the materials I use after every use. The binder would be my 2nd choice because we create so many class books for our class library.

  3. What a fun idea – thank you!

    I love the idea of a home laminator to make things durable and dry-erasable!

  4. Alicia Davis says:

    Binding machine for sure!! The others are great tools also!!

  5. I would pick the laminator for sure!! I miss having access to the laminator at school.

    1. My kids would love the book binder to make books and share them with others! Also would be such a great resource for our co-op preschool 🙂 Thanks for your kindness and generosity!

  6. I’d love to have a laminator!

  7. Brandi Riffel says:

    A laminator is a must, for sure! I actually bought one last year with a straight edge cutter attached to it. I would love to have a binding machine. I think It would prove very useful for in classroom projects, portfolios, of journals! It could also be useful with my 4 year old’s many drawings!

  8. Erica Dansereau says:

    Love this! I would love the binding machine or the laminator!
    Erica Dansereau recently posted…Dance MonkeyMy Profile

  9. Laura Martin says:

    I’d want the paper cutter! No more scissors

  10. Noelle K. says:

    These are all great resources. I would love to have the book binder. I currently have this on my wish list.

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