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  1. The cutting board! This would save so much time and make sure that I have straight lines when I’m cutting their school photos to give to family.

  2. I would love either the paper cutter or the stapler as I use both all the time and the ones that we have at school aren’t the best. I use them to get our Intervention materials ready for all the groups that we have. Thank you for the opportunity.

  3. I would love to win the laminator.

  4. Jessica Compton says:

    I would love the paper cutter!

  5. Susan Johns says:

    Ooh, that binder is amazing!!

  6. I would love the laminator!

  7. Ashley Famiglietti says:

    I would LOVE the binding machine so I could make books for each of my kids artwork each year to save for when they are older!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  8. Wonderful idea! Would love any of those items + sharpies!

  9. I would love the paper cutter or laminator! Both are great items that would get a ton of use!

  10. I love to have the laminator, the one at my work always eats what I need to laminate and it would be a lot easier if I had my own one to take home and so that I don’t have to share with the rest of the school as working in the nursery and all the display and work I have to laminate would be easier to have my own one

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