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  1. I would love the laminator. I use it so much at school it would be great to have a small one for those times I just have a few pieces to do.

  2. Rachel Simonson says:

    I would love the mainator! Thank you!

    1. Rachel Simonson says:


  3. Valerie Hamilton says:

    I desperately need a decent pencil sharpener! Of course the paper cutter would be nice too…

  4. Mikal-lyn Kimmel says:

    Pencil sharpener for the win! I’m constantly trying to use the little handheld ones and they just don’t do the trick lol!

  5. Dawn McElligott says:

    The laminator would be wonderful. My is on its last leg. What a wonderful way to start December.

  6. Justine White says:

    Any prize would help make the season bright!

  7. I would love to be able to laminate!!! We have that pencil sharpener and it’s a must. Our hole puncher is too!

  8. Amy Krall says:

    I would love the pencil ✏️ sharpener. Yay!

  9. Peggy Adam says:

    The laminator would be so beneficial to make individual story to song props be more sturdy. These props would allow students to be more engaged, especially during distance learning. They could use these props to repeat the activity with their families too!

  10. Lisa Yoder says:

    I use my paper cutter all the time. I bought it in college almost 30 years ago! I would love to have a laminator at home. It would be so helpful. 😊

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