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  1. As fast as my kiddos go through pencils-I would LOVE to have a nicer pencil sharpener.

  2. I was just looking at binding machines for my school! This I would be so fun to win!

  3. I love the power stapler!! Staplers these days just aren’t made sturdy enough!

  4. I would love to win a paper cutter so that I am able to work on my things easier at home and even in my room instead of having to go down to the copy room where the paper cutter is to work on things.

  5. Jessica Shain says:

    I would love to have another laminator!

  6. Sherry Ploppert says:

    I absolutely love my laminator and would love to have a binding machine so I can create even more for the children I work with. It would be a life changer. Thanks so much for doing this, it’s awesome.

  7. mary harmon says:

    Thank you so much. These are great items.

  8. I use my laminator so much I am worried it isn’t going to last much longer! A must when working with preschoolers.

  9. Jennifer Maynard says:

    First time homeschooling momma here! I feel so accomplished some days but others are so hard. It would really help if I had the right equipment for making my son’s classroom feel like more of a real school experience. Thank you for the chance to win!

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