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  1. Every year we love making books in K4, the binder would make my job so much better! Thanks for doing this!

  2. I recently learned of binding machines and would absolutely love one.

  3. Hi! I enter this amazing giveaway because of how much I use and constantly have to replace this particular item. Due to my whole house taking turns with Covid, it has taken a hit on our financials and my laminator is on it’s last leg. It would be a huge blessing to win it. Thank you for your generosity and your heart to give.

  4. I teach in a early childhood program that works with very low income families. I spend my own money on items the kids need and never what I need. This would be a blessing.

  5. I would love to win the binding machine. There are so many great resources that I end up clipping together. The binding machine would significantly improve my classroom organization.

  6. Tamekia Allcock says:

    Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas. I agree with your must haves. The binding machine would be an added bonus to the classroom!

  7. Rebecca Gierisch says:

    I would love a binding machine.

  8. What a great giveaway! My oldest is always wanting to make books. We usually use packing tape to seal the book, so this would be much more legit 🤩

  9. LaRayne McGahan says:

    I love the idea of having my own personal laminator! I am a school occupational therapist and it would be SOO much easier and less waste of laminating material too!

  10. Jennifer McDonald says:

    This is great, I am missing one of these items and it can be frustrating. A good pencil sharpener, I have bought so many, and have yet to find the right one.

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