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  1. What a great list of essentials! If I had to choose one for my personal/ classroom use, it would be the laminator!

  2. I have to agree that these are essentials. I already have almost all of them.

  3. Kimberly Michelle Miller says:

    binding machine

  4. Tena Roher says:

    Thank you for all you do and offer, it is so helpful! As a kinder teacher I am always in need of extra help like a personal laminator to make life a smidge easier. Thanks!

  5. Darlene Pinkos says:

    You are SOOO right about all that we teachers put into our classrooms and not a one of us would say we chose this passion for the money. We do it for the love of learning, the love of our students, and our hope for the future. I have many of the items you listed (and so many more) but our school binding machine was disgarded for being too “out of date”. Apparently, I was the only one using it. I would choose to have my own so that I can continue to to make books for my students and memories for future classes. Thank you.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes!! Definitely agree with you!!!

  6. Amanda Foster says:

    That laminator and paper cutter are on my Christmas Wish List. I just got hired at a school and need to make so many new materials, so this has me drooling!! lol

  7. I agree that all of these supplies are must haves for teachers. It would be fantastic to win the laminator to have the option of laminating at home. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  8. Dianne Dobbs says:

    I’d like to win the binding machine because I could use it for so many different things and I don’t have one!

  9. Dianne Dobbs says:

    Great giveaway! I’d love the binding machine.

  10. Kay Parker says:

    I would choose the laminator, it would be so handy to have for the games and lessons I teach my 3&4 year old class.

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