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  1. do the kids’ hands get colored? I couldn’t tell from the photos.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Nope, not at all. I love that part!

  2. Beautiful colors!
    Did you use the recipe to make all 3 colors?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Good question. I used this recipe for just 1 color. So I made 3 batches 🙂
      Angela Thayer recently posted…Week in ReviewMy Profile

  3. Jo Edwards says:

    Is that plain flour or self raising flour?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Just plain flour.

  4. Does the jell-o give this play dough a different texture than regular homemade play dough? I usually use kool-aid and am wondering if this would be different?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I think it is smoother than kool-aid playdough. I do not think it is significantly different.

  5. Danielle, The Frugal Navy Wife says:

    Looks like we had the same idea this week i did a DIY Kool-Aid play Dough recipe post 🙂 love this idea too!
    Danielle, The Frugal Navy Wife recently posted…DIY Kool Aid Play DoughMy Profile

  6. Debbie @ says:

    This play dough has great color! I will pin it and be back! Thanks for sharing at TMTP!

  7. I love this — I’ll have to see if I can create a version for my gluten-free boy 🙂
    Amy recently posted…a cardboard box is funMy Profile

  8. What a fun idea! Quick question for you . . . do I need to use sugar free jello or can I use the regular kind? Thank you!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Sarah! I am not sure if the regular kind works. I only use the sugar free kind. Let me know if you try it out!
      Angela Thayer recently posted…Week in ReviewMy Profile

      1. I just made it with Regular Jello and it turned out great! 🙂

        1. Awesome to know! I was going to ask the same question. I can’t wait to make this!

          1. Good to know ! I’m living in a very small town ( I don’t even think this is a town) and there was only like 3 sort of sugar-free jello so I’m super happy if the regular work too, I’ll be able to do more color. Kids are super happy and so am I because regular play dough is kindda giving me eczema on the hands because of the colouring. This won’t do and it smells sooooooo good ! Thank you ! 🙂

        2. How long can you use it before it goes off

          1. Angela Thayer says:

            This play dough lasts for several months.

    2. I’ve heard of making it with koolaid too:)

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