Christmas Sensory Bottle
I’m excited to share with you our newest sensory bottle for the month of December! I made this sensory bottle with a Christmas theme.
I love this bottle. The oil and water separation makes it super interesting to look at.
Baby Lincoln loved it, too! At 4 months old, he is really interested in the world around him. He had his eyes fixed on the sensory bottle when it was in front of him.
He really loved being in my lap and looking at the bottle. 🙂
If you want to make a Christmas sensory bottle, you’ll just need the following items:
- water bottle (I used a Voss water bottle, found at Walgreens, TJ Maxx, and some gas stations!)
- green food coloring
- vegetable or olive oil
- red Christmas items (I used bells and red/silver table scatter from Hobby Lobby)
When making your bottle, start by filling it halfway with water. Then put in a few drops of green food coloring. Next, add in the red Christmas items. Lastly, pour in vegetable oil to fill it to the top. I always recommend gluing the lid on so there’s no spills!
This was a very fun bottle to create. And a festive one for this Christmas season!
Hi, even though Christmas has passed I am still interested to make this bottle. I’m curious how you removed the white Voss labelling on the water bottle? Thanks Anne
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