BEECH Retreat
Hi y’all! I totally picked up a slight southern accent last weekend. So many bloggers were from the south, that I found myself suddenly saying “y’all” a lot…but I like it, so it may stay around 🙂
I went to SW Florida for a blogging conference called BEECH (stands for Bold Equipped Empowered Changers). In one word I would say it was INCREDIBLE! I learned so much, made many friends, and created exciting goals for the future! I’ll let the pictures show you how beautiful the South Seas Island Resort was.

I was incredibly blessed to meet a new friend, Kristin. Her dad was a keynote speaker with a company called QBQ. Kristin also speaks around the country about the Question Behind the Question (QBQ) and the method of personal accountability. If you’ve never heard of it, you need to check them out! I am reading their newest book (a parenting book) and plan to do a review on it when I’m done reading.
There were many great sponsors. I fell in love with hint water. Have you tried it? It is so good and refreshing!
Also, many attendees eat Gluten Free, so there were always snacks and food from Udi’s, which I love now, too! I’m currently munching on this granola.
I was also blessed to win a few prizes! Have you heard of List Plan It? It’s basically a site filled with lists to print for anything! Definitely helps you stay organized. In the next week, an app for this will be out. Anyway, I won a free year subscription to them plus a magnetic pad of grocery lists. Wonderful!
On top of that, I won a $50 gift card to Erin Condren. She has a store full of beautiful items ranging from personalized iPhone covers to stationary. I need your help though. I can’t decide between the iPhone cover or the Life Planner. I’ve heard great reviews for both.
Let me know if you use an Erin Condren planner, too!
Hey!! Nice photo! 🙂 It was great to meet you too. And do the iPhone cover!!
I loved meeting you, too!! Yes, I’m going with the iPhone cover!