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  1. I understand your moment of sadness we found out our second LO was another girl and I had thought I was carrying a boy just because my pregnancies have been nothing alike. But our daughter is super excited to have a little sister and I know God has made our family perfect for us, we can’t wait to welcome our new girl this spring . Congratulations to you on your bundle of boy joy.

  2. Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart, Angela, I can imagine that this must be a whirlwind!! God give us, not what we want, but what His plan is for us (I didn’t find out my girl was a girl until the birth and I shed tears that my son didn’t have a brother because I was convinced I was having another boy — I was disappointed for a couple weeks — isn’t that awful?! — now she is my delight — but good idea to find out now rather than at the birth lol) Just as I’m sure your new bundle will be!! xo
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  3. Alison Baum says:

    I am so so so excited for you guys, Ang!!! We went through the same things preparing for our ultrasound with Cora. Like you, I knew God’s plan for our family was best even if it didn’t turn out in the way I’d hoped. What an honor to be the mom of three boys. Our world is in desperate need of strong, godly men and obviously, God knows you’re equipped for the job of raising your sweet boys into those kind of men. 🙂 Congratulations!

  4. We found out the gender of our first baby at 16 weeks (a girl) but sadly she was born early at 26 weeks because of Hydrops Fetalis caused by Parvovirus B19. With our second child we left the gender a surprise at delivery. I REALLY enjoyed the wait! It was a baby boy. I def. had some sadness that it was not a little girl again but I also knew God had plans and knew that I probably was not ready for another little girl so soon after our loss. When I became pregnant with our 3rd we decided once again to wait to find out. It was a harder wait, I was sure it was a girl and I wanted to buy and celebrate. But I also felt nervous if it was another boy. Would I be sad to never have that relationship when I should have had it with my firstborn? I also knew that if I DID have another boy I would love raising two wild little men, my son is so like his father and a joy to me. On delivery day when baby was born that cry was beautiful. Health was the most important. I cried hearing that beautiful sound. When they laid the baby on my chest and my husband looked and said “Its a girl!” I began BAWLING. I was so very happy. She could never replace my first daughter but I felt like God understood I really needed a little girl to hold. Although I still feel twinges of sadness to not have two boys. I would love to see the same gender relationship. (I had only one brother) And my husband says we are done. I pretty much agree…but would not be bummed if God decided we need one more 🙂 I understand your disappointment but I am glad you trust in His decision. Health is the most important thing.

  5. Congrats! yeah boys! Love the gender reveal idea. I have 3 boys (ages 7, 6, and 15months). I can totally relate to the emotions of learning another boy is joining the family 🙂 But….at my ultrasound with my 3rd…I think I cried a few tears of “it’s not a girl”…and then looking at that precious baby on the monitor it was all forgotten! And I can’t imagine any other baby bringing me more joy than he has. And don’t forget all the perks of having all boys…hand-me-down toys, clothes (if they aren’t destroyed by the 3rd!) room sharing, etc!!) little boys are such a dirty, wild blessing! 🙂

    1. I absolutely love this idea & so will my son how much of each ingredient did you use??,

  6. Anna@The Measured Mom says:

    We always keep our babies’ gender a surprise until they’re born, but even so I had a twinge of surprise and disappointment the moment after our third boy in a row was born… I really wanted a sister for my daughter close to her age. Well our third boy is the funniest, most adorable little guy, and I can’t imagine our life without him. I know you know that you’ll feel the same way! Now our daughter finally has a sister, almost 7 years younger. Not the age gap I would have picked, but as you said — it is so comforting that God knows exactly what the genders and spacing should be in our families. I’m content. A giant congratulations to you!
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  7. Stephanie says:

    Congratulations! We had an ultrasound yesterday as well. I have three little girls now and we discovered the gender of our fourth baby. We are having a boy and yes it was a shock. I had just assumed it was going to be another girl. Everyone is thrilled especially daddy. I am happy too – and a little worried I am going to be out of my element.

  8. It’s totally normal to spend some time grieving over your child’s gender. We were disappointed when Eli wasn’t a girl, and now we’re both thrilled that he wasn’t! God will change your heart to match the way He’s blessed you. So happy for you all!

  9. Congratulations! I remember with my 4th baby, I assumed it was a girl because I had 2 boys and 1 girl and, of course, things would even out, right??? Ha! We found out it was a boy and I was a bit bummed but so was my daughter so I told her that God had planned the perfect fit for us and we could trust in that. Now, my little guy is 4 and I can’t imagine it any other way!!
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