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  1. kim Guthrie says:

    I have not used pop its but now I WANT to!! I love the counting, abc and sound pop ideas!!!

  2. Such creative ways to use pop its. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I LOVED your article on using pop-its for learning. It is kinesthetic and using OT skills AND HELP STUDENTS WITH ANXIXETY OR STRESS all while still learning! You’re the best!

  4. Ms.Mickey says:

    That’s a lot of activities that would also work with the Special Needs students.

  5. Love all these fabulous ideas. My grandchildren would love learning and playing with all these pop its.

  6. Thank you for all the great ideas! I didn’t think of all the ways you can use a pop it toy.

  7. Lacey Thompson says:

    These are all awesome ideas! I am a work from home stay at home mom with a very smart 3 year old. She loves playing with her cousin’s pop-its and I believe the alphabet one would help her practice her ABCs. Thanks for all your posts! I love reading them.

  8. Cheyenne Smith says:

    I have pop-it’s in my calm down area. I love all the different activities that you shared. I will definitely have to get some more of these and incorporate these ideas!

  9. Malessa Wing says:

    I am in Awe over all of these ideas for using POP It’s for learning. Not only do I want to share them with our pre school and childcare teachers, I want my own kids to try some of them. Thank you so much!

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