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  1. Ashley Wright says:

    Great read!! Thanks for sharing such a great blog.

  2. Micheal A says:

    There are who lot of benefits in homeschooling children. Though, if it is not properly planned and scheduled, it may not work out. Thanks for the list.

  3. I love that my children have a phenomenal relationship with each other! It always makes me sad to see other families where the children don’t get along. Great list!
    Penny recently posted…10 Ways I’m Being A More Intentional MomMy Profile

  4. My favorite benefit is watching them learn new things and being there as they master new skills. They get so excited and proud of themselves and it’s priceless to be able to share that with them.
    Emma recently posted…Child-led Neighborhood WalkMy Profile

  5. Leah Johnson says:

    I find #9 to be key in the proper development of children. As parents we are to discipline our children and be consistent. That is very difficult to do when you are not around them.

    For me it’s also about the choice of staying at home with my kids. I personally did this so I could spend the time with them. You miss out on so much when they are gone.

    I also find it a lot less stressful not having to run around my little kiddo every day. We can take things slow or fast as needed. Even if you have early risers being rushed out the door in the morning can start to take it’s toll on a preschool aged child. I personally do not like to add more stress to my life.

    That being said, even though I love to keep my kids at home for preschool, when they are 5 I ship them off to school. I’m not great past that age at teaching.
    Leah Johnson recently posted…TRAVEL WITH KIDS – PART 1: ACTIVITIESMy Profile

  6. I love, love, love the freedom. My kids are of school age and did go to school but not for a year and a half.

    1) you can fill their days with so many experiences – we are reading the Famous Five (ok, we live near Corfe Castle in the Uk, it is fab). We went camping to a local farm with no electricity and cooked over a campfire. They were a lot of hands on farming activities as well. We just upped and went on a school day! We are growing yeast to make bread, have made paper, soap, no end of craft projects and they clean the chickens out for me.

    2) We deliberately holiday out of school holidays as it is quieter. We have more holidays and we take our work with us. Recently we went to a caravan and they happily sat in the sun with their geology lap-book.

    3) Mine are adopted and it gives a great opportunity for closeness and for an appropriate attachment to take root.

    4) I am learning lots. Through the medium of cutting and sticking.

    5) My kids pick topics. They are learning what they are interested in, which means they are interested in learning. It is fun.

    6) I love having them home. Selfish and not why we took them out of school but, nonetheless, my kids are wonderful.

    7) They know less people than if they were at school but they have deeper friendships and great relationship skills, for their age.

    Sorry, stopping and calming down, off to Ancient Egypt now…..

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Love your list, Gina! So good to hear your perspective. I agree with all of those! I love that the kids can pick topics to learn. Makes school so much fun! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Something I’ve heard parents say (and which I myself have to be careful of considering my kids go to school beginning in kindergarten) is, “We don’t have to do that at home. They get it at school.” This is not always true, but it’s an assumption parents can make about many things — learning certain basic skills, doing certain activities, etc. If parents are the teacher they know exactly what their kids are or are not learning and can then take responsibility.
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    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That is a good point! I’ve head that one before, too. We, as parents, still need to take responsibility to make sure our kids are learning skills, even if they are sent to school!

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